Category nadia is feeling good

when i’m feeling good things

Goals and 1k Followers

As the numbers began to climb, I set my initial goal at 500 followers. Exactly 3 months later from the day I started using Instagram on March 16th I made it to my first set goal. For some reason I thought that every 500 followers gained would take 3 months since the first 500 followers required that long to obtain.

Finally, An Open Heart

I need to record something, because it’s my true feelings. Every time I write in this journal, I make sure that what comes down from my brain and up from my heart exits out my fingers. I’ve done this since day one of my Journal. At the same time I’m terrified to record what I’m about to write, because my new friend reads my journal. The last thing I want to do is frighten him or make him get out of my lane.