Tough Love

Xatina, this time you will lay in the bed that you made. If this story is even true, remember the next time you're laying at the bottom of the stairs with broken limbs
Chico, Wait For Me
Xatina, this time you will lay in the bed that you made. If this story is even true, remember the next time you're laying at the bottom of the stairs with broken limbs
The distinct feeling of being orphaned is back, and it sucks. Once more, I don't feel like I belong anywhere or maintain a purpose. The past 4 months and 13 days have been an absolute nightmare. Wondering through life lonesome and sad, with no one to belong to.
Image Credit: Google I feel like I need to talk about something after rereading the message I sent to Nicholas. Let me say that I should have never compared my love for one person, over another. Both of these people…