Dodging bullets is not an easy thing to realistically achieve. However, I've carefully managed to dodge two of them already this miserable year. First with Mark, now with Ricardo. We both knew we undoubtedly had an up hill battle if we genuinely wanted to be together. We each admittedly had an obstacle, mine being emotional, and his being obligational. All it would merely take was one of us being unable to cope adequately with the other's specific situation, and it would be over. Not surprisingly, he quit and gave up.

Xatina, this time you will lay in the bed that you made. If this story is even true, remember the next time you're laying at the bottom of the stairs with broken limbs
- anxious, cabin fever, catina, facebook, fcc, fear, friends, hope, journaling, jp, lou lou, love, media, nadia is feeling bad, nadia mazonis, ocd, panicky, quotes and poems, relationships, stress, therapy, therapy over the phone, worrying

Good evening, it’s presently 9:35 p.m. on Monday the 6th of April. This journal entry is since Saturday the 4th, Sunday the 5th, and today Monday the 6th of April. It has been undoubtedly a whirlwind the past three days. Saturday and Sunday I felt completely lost, last night I dealt with many family dramas, and today has been chaos. I’m thinking people are starting to lose their flipping minds.
- anxious, bi-polar, catina, emotions or emotional, fear, friends, heart-ache, journaling, jp, lou lou, love, my car and issues, quarantine, quotes and poems, relationships, stress, strong confident beautiful woman, worrying

A tragic love story maybe, but that was it. Catina and I talked about how I felt for real about Wolfie. There’s no other way to describe my sincere feelings for him. Words do not express the gratitude, and love that I possess in my heart for this man. As we continued to talk, our conversation went from my feelings to Wolfman's feelings.
- love, anxious, catina, coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus statistics, egotistical family, emotions or emotional, heart-ache, hope, journaling, lou lou, media, nadia mazonis, panicky, politics, quarantine, quotes and poems, relationships, wordpress.com website, worrying

My sister Lou has not been herself lately. She retains it in her head that she’s the only one of mothers children who act like an adult. Who has to take care of her brother and sisters. Yeah, she takes care of my younger brother who is, well never mind. He’s not in this but if he were he’d be right up Lou’s ass. Regardless, she’s prancing around on a tall horse talking herself up as if she has to rescue and take care of her three siblings. This is ludicrous and bizarre thinking on her part.
- anxious, catina, coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus statistics, depression, egotistical family, emotions or emotional, fear, heart-ache, hope, lou lou, love, physical abuse, quarantine, quotes and poems, relationships, worrying

Besides Wolfie and my ex, I can’t seem to get JP out of my mind. He too plays peek a boo in my thoughts daily. I’m thinking there was something between him and I that I squandered away. Not that I regret my decision, but I often question if he would have been in the United States would I have thrown what we had away?
- cabin fever, catina, depression, emotions or emotional, journaling, lou lou, love, memories, quotes and poems, relationships, wordpress.com website, worrying

Both of these were forcing me to feel like a different person than I’ve been the past few weeks. Wolfie and I have been so happy and content with one another, why did my ex have to come in and mess that up for me? Last night when he sent me the photos I tried to act like they didn’t mean anything. Telling myself they were in fact a part of my past, but no longer represented my future.
- anxious, case manager, catina, coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus statistics, emotions or emotional, fear, journaling, lou lou, love, panic attack, quotes and poems, relationships, therapy over the phone, wordpress.com website

There's a shortage of pretty much everything that you need or want in stores. Toilet paper, thermometers, milk, you name it, its out of stock. Now people are out of work, like my sister Lou and my nephew.
- anxious, catina, emotions or emotional, fcc, hyper, journaling, lou lou, love, mental health, nadia mazonis, nightmares, panicky, quotes and poems, stress, strong confident beautiful woman, therapy, therapy over the phone, wordpress.com website, worrying

I can’t wait to make you mine and give you the life you deserve. It makes me sad you don’t know how amazing you are!! You made me feel again!! Over the internet baby!! No one has ever made me feel like you have. NO ONE!! I tease you and say it’s voodoo, but it’s really just unexplainable how much I feel for you. I don’t know how to explain my feelings about you. I know what I should say, but we just met. And we haven’t even met in person.
I didn't expect anything first thing this morning because that is not how "friends" operate, and I was made to understand very clearly yesterday that we were only friends. I did on the other hand think that he would say hello at some point and maybe show me his new drivers license that he got today, I thought he would be excited about finally being a New Jersey resident again, and want to show his new picture off.