![dark clouds over sad girl sitting bench]()
Within two bleak days my entire emotional core would be snuffed out. Causing me to feel like. . . .
![header for journal post It is What it Is]()
Honestly, I believe I’ve had enough of the vicious emotional games that most ghastly men try to play. From the foolish ones, those who think it’s okay for them to behave a certain way. . . .
![Lightning and Fire Fantasy girl for the journal entry Powerful]()
Yet again, no response when I reached out to Nicholas. What we once had was powerful and . . . .
- anxious, cabin fever, catina, facebook, fcc, fear, friends, hope, journaling, jp, lou lou, love, media, nadia is feeling bad, nadia mazonis, ocd, panicky, quotes and poems, relationships, stress, therapy, therapy over the phone, worrying
Good evening, it’s presently 9:35 p.m. on Monday the 6th of April. This journal entry is since Saturday the 4th, Sunday the 5th, and today Monday the 6th of April. It has been undoubtedly a whirlwind the past three days. Saturday and Sunday I felt completely lost, last night I dealt with many family dramas, and today has been chaos. I’m thinking people are starting to lose their flipping minds.
- anxious, bi-polar, catina, emotions or emotional, fear, friends, heart-ache, journaling, jp, lou lou, love, my car and issues, quarantine, quotes and poems, relationships, stress, strong confident beautiful woman, worrying
A tragic love story maybe, but that was it. Catina and I talked about how I felt for real about Wolfie. There’s no other way to describe my sincere feelings for him. Words do not express the gratitude, and love that I possess in my heart for this man. As we continued to talk, our conversation went from my feelings to Wolfman's feelings.
- coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus statistics, hope, instagram, journaling, jp, love, memories, mental health, quotes and poems, relationships, social media, worrying
![from the calgon take me away entry in my favorites four hands covering girls face]()
Now I endure this on top of everything else that's going through my brain to stress and worry about. Like I want to go to a doctors office or hospital where people are ill. Knowing my luck so far today, I’d catch the coronavirus. Hopefully, it doesn’t continue to swell, but if it does I guess I know where I’m going in the next few days
I need to record something, because it’s my true feelings. Every time I write in this journal, I make sure that what comes down from my brain and up from my heart exits out my fingers. I’ve done this since day one of my Journal. At the same time I’m terrified to record what I’m about to write, because my new friend reads my journal. The last thing I want to do is frighten him or make him get out of my lane.
- depression, egotistical family, emotions or emotional, facebook, heart-ache, journaling, jp, love, memories, my authentic self, quotes and poems, relationships, social media
![orphaned again why me sad girl swinging over water]()
The distinct feeling of being orphaned is back, and it sucks. Once more, I don't feel like I belong anywhere or maintain a purpose. The past 4 months and 13 days have been an absolute nightmare. Wondering through life lonesome and sad, with no one to belong to.
I will say this though, there are things on both sides that I agree with, and there are things on both sides I disagree with. By the end of our conversation I believe I helped a little, but I’m sure he will continue to stress and worry just because of the environment that he now lives in. One thing that made me very happy while chatting, is I learned that we both still believe in hope.
Nicholas messaged me again this morning around eight-thirty. We chatted off and on till it was time for him to go to work around noon. He’s off tomorrow, and he and his friend Chawl are going to get their fishing license, so they can go fishing. Sharing a few pictures back and forth, and having great conversations, I’m still pleased with the way things are going this time around.