Footnote To A Message

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I feel like I need to talk about something after rereading the message I sent to Nicholas. Let me say that I should have never compared my love for one person, over another. Both of these people mean the world to me, and if I compare them it’s not fair to either one of them. Most importantly it wouldn’t be fair to another person who also would be considered a love of my life. We shared nine and a half years together and I love him to this day.

Every love in our life is different, by and with different humans. My life hasn’t ended yet so who knows who the greatest love of my life is? Once I’ve healed from this great love, I have every hope and dream that another wonderful human being will want to love me for who I am.

I literally slept all day, so there’s nothing more to write, so I’ll stop typing. . . .

Sweet Dreams,
Nadia Darlene Mazonis

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