- love, coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus covid-19, faith, fear, heart-ache, hope, journaling, media, nadia is feeling bad, nadia mazonis, quarantine, quotes and poems, stress, wordpress.com website, worrying

After a two day relentless flood of excessive emotions and pent-up feelings, I evanesced into a world of technology and optimization. The familiar sound of a voice which caused the wound on my heart to bleed yesterday, happened to be the same sound today that comforted me. Why did William . . .
- anxious, cabin fever, catina, facebook, fcc, fear, friends, hope, journaling, jp, lou lou, love, media, nadia is feeling bad, nadia mazonis, ocd, panicky, quotes and poems, relationships, stress, therapy, therapy over the phone, worrying

Good evening, it’s presently 9:35 p.m. on Monday the 6th of April. This journal entry is since Saturday the 4th, Sunday the 5th, and today Monday the 6th of April. It has been undoubtedly a whirlwind the past three days. Saturday and Sunday I felt completely lost, last night I dealt with many family dramas, and today has been chaos. I’m thinking people are starting to lose their flipping minds.
- love, anxious, catina, coronavirus aftermath, coronavirus statistics, egotistical family, emotions or emotional, heart-ache, hope, journaling, lou lou, media, nadia mazonis, panicky, politics, quarantine, quotes and poems, relationships, wordpress.com website, worrying

My sister Lou has not been herself lately. She retains it in her head that she’s the only one of mothers children who act like an adult. Who has to take care of her brother and sisters. Yeah, she takes care of my younger brother who is, well never mind. He’s not in this but if he were he’d be right up Lou’s ass. Regardless, she’s prancing around on a tall horse talking herself up as if she has to rescue and take care of her three siblings. This is ludicrous and bizarre thinking on her part.

The media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and after the embarrassment over no Russia collusion, the Mueller report, and the non-existent quid pro quo Ukraine, they will do anything to bring down the Trump administration, even if they have to destroy your finances. Along with trying to mess with our finances, I truly believe this is a tactic intentionally put in place by the Democrats, and their cronies, the media, to scare the population from getting out and voting.